The Adobe Reader that you need for viewing and printing portable document format (PDF) files can be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe website.
Visit the accessibility section for details about navigating this site using assistive technologies.
Using Acrobat Reader
You can use Acrobat Reader to:
- View a document
– View a document by selecting the link text. The document will load into the reader. - Save a document for later viewing
Microsoft Windows users:
- right-click your mouse on the link text
- select Save Target As
- save the file in your preferred location.
Macintosh users with single-button mouse:
- hold down the control key while you click your mouse on the link text
- select Save Link As or Download Link to Disk
- save the file in your preferred location.
Converting PDFs to other formats
To convert PDFs to HTML or text formats use the Adobe PDF files online conversion tools.