Our services

At QGIF, we provide a range of services for our clients, such as:

  • helping agencies identify their risk exposures
  • providing insurance protection to cover those risk exposures
  • providing insurance advice, information and reports to assist agencies in managing their risk exposures and meeting their risk management obligations
  • managing claims based on best practice and Model Litigant Principles.

In providing these services to Queensland Government agencies, we are committed to:

  • acting with the utmost good faith, integrity and professionalism towards our clients
  • offering insurance cover at an appropriate cost commensurate with insurable risk exposures
  • engaging actuarial expertise to advise on premium levels and to assess outstanding claims liabilities
  • ensuring premium levels and the outstanding claims liability assessment are reported to and approved by QGIF’s Governance Committee on an annual basis
  • notifying the relevant agency/agencies within two business days on receipt of a new claim
  • managing all claims with competency and efficiency, including engaging legal service providers and other experts considered necessary in the management of these claims
  • liaising with the relevant agency/agencies where possible, before any significant claim decision is made
  • complying with all relevant legislation, the Queensland Government’s Code of Conduct and Model Litigant Principles
  • protecting and preserving the confidential nature of all claims information
  • ensuring that personal information is collected, used and disclosed in compliance with the Information Privacy Act 2009
  • responding in a timely fashion to requests for information.