Examples of a claim include:
- An insured building is destroyed by a fire or suffers damage due to a storm
- Increased costs such as the rent for temporary premises as a result of building damage e.g. a school fire
- A third party alleges they slipped and fell sustaining injuries due to the poor condition of the floor of the insured property
- A third party alleges they have suffered an injury as a result of negligent medical treatment by hospital staff
- An employee of an insured Agency claims they have been discriminated against by a work colleague during the course of their employment and has suffered an injury/loss as a consequence
- A claim by a former employee alleging unfair dismissal
- Theft of money or property by an employee
- Losses associated with a cyber incident, for example, third party compensation, legal costs, asset replacement, investigation costs
There are many different types of claims so if you are unsure whether the QGIF policy would respond to the claim being made, please contact us on 07 3035 6367 and we will guide you through the claims process.